Music of the Stars
St Mark's Church, Wimbledon
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Music of the Stars
St Mark's Church, Wimbledon
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Music of the Stars
St Mark's Church, Wimbledon
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Music of the Stars
St Mark's Church, Wimbledon
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Music of the Stars
St Mark's Church, Wimbledon
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Remembrance Sunday
Wimbledon War Memorial
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Music of the Stars
St Mark's Church, Wimbledon
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Music of the Stars
* Note date * Note venue * Note time *
Trinity URC & Trinity Centre, Wimbledon
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Music of the Stars
* Note date * Note venue * Note time TBA *
Holy Trinity, Sloane Square
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Marten Jansson : Missa Popularis, McDowall : Ave Maris Stella
Vaughan Williams : I Heard the Voice of Jesus
Holy Trinity, Sloane Square
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